NOTE:  Wheaton Sanitary District is not affiliated with third-party payment websites like DOXO. The only online payment portal utilized by the District is Green Pay. This is important to note to avoid any confusion or issues with payment, as using unauthorized payment portals may result in payment not being received by the District.



Wheaton Sanitary District has suspended rate increases for its overall customer base for another consecutive year.

Most flat-rate customers will see some kind of rate changes.  Residential flat-rate customers will have their flat rate lowered to 5 consumption per month.  The Residential reduced flat-rate customers (for one person residing in the residence, and requires approval of a completed application) will have their flat rate lowered to 2.5 consumption per month.  Non-residential, non-metered customers now will have their consumption determined by the permitted or calculated Population Equivalent (PE).  The monthly charge is determined by multiplying the consumption times the sum of the Treatment & Conveyance Rate, and the the Collector Sewer Maintenance Charge, plus the Base Rate.  The non-residential, non-metered customers should have received a letter explaining any specific changes to their monthly flat rate.

User rates are located on WSD’s website under “Documents,” “Key Ordinances.”  If you have further questions, please contact the office at 630.668.1515.



Your bill largely is based on the amount of water you use.  Private-well customers are billed on a flat rate monthly.  Wheaton Sanitary District obtains monthly water consumption for its customers from the following water billings:

  • City of Wheaton
  • Village of Carol Stream
  • Village of Glen Ellyn
  • Illinois American Water

Please use the following links to receive forms to apply for a final bill, if you are a renter moving in/out, for Single-Occupancy Flat Rate Certification, or for the Residential Irrigation Credit (see FAQ’s below):

Final Bill Form

Renter Move In/Out Form

Sample Bill

Property Management Authorization Form

Single-Occupancy Flat Rate Certification

Residential Irrigation Credit Application

Irrigation Credit FAQ’s


Bill Payment Methods offered by Wheaton Sanitary District are:

  • AutoPay – sign up through GreenPay on this website; takes 1-2 billing cycles to be effective
  • US Mail to the District’s lockbox service (PO Box 4490, Carol Stream, IL 60197-4490)
  • Through your personal online banking service
  • In person, at the District Offices
  • Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card Online
  • Visa, MasterCard, or Discover by calling the office (630-668-1515) for a $5 additional fee



Wheaton Sanitary has a payment drop box in front of the Administration Building (hours 8:00 am – 4:30 pm), or a 24-hours drop box located behind the plant on Creekside Drive.  Certain restrictions apply to the drop box (ie: no cash, collection times, etc.).  The following directions are to the drop box on Creekside Drive:

From Roosevelt Road:

Take Roosevelt Road, to just west of County Farm Road, and turn left/south on Shaffner Road.  From Shaffner, go left/east on S. County Farm Road; after several blocks, the street becomes Stonebridge Trail and winds from east/west to north/south.  Stay on Stonebridge Trail.  Turn right/west on Creekside Drive.   The green payment drop box is at the end of the street, which is a cul-de-sac at the back gate of Wheaton Sanitary District.

From Butterfield Road: 

Take Butterfield Road to Wiesbrook Road east.  Turn left/north on Stonebridge Trail.  Go left/west on Creekside Drive.  The green payment drop box is at the end of the street, which is a cul-de-sac at the back gate of Wheaton Sanitary District.



If you are having trouble paying your bill, please review the Humanitarian Services tab or the link below, especially the potential for assistance through DuPage County’s Low Income Housing Water/Wastewater Assistance Program (LIHWAP) – Humanitarian Services List

Billing FAQ

Does the Wheaton Sanitary District provide water service?
No, the Wheaton Sanitary District treats wastewater and maintains sanitary sewer lines. Water service for homes in the Wheaton Sanitary District is provided by the City of Wheaton, Village of Carol Stream, Village of Glen Ellyn, Illinois American Water, or by private wells.
Is the Wheaton Sanitary District part of the City of Wheaton?
No, Wheaton Sanitary District is not part of the City of Wheaton. It is a separate government agency that treats wastewater from areas that naturally drain to the wastewater plant.
What is my bill based on?
Your bill is based on the amount of water you use. The District obtains monthly water consumption for its customers from the City of Wheaton, Village of Carol Stream, Village of Glen Ellyn, and Illinois American Water. If you believe there is a problem with your meter reading, please contact your water provider. If you have a private well, your water readings are collected by the Wheaton Sanitary District. Please call us at (630)668-1515 if you have a private well and believe there is a problem with your meter reading.
What is the difference between the Wheaton Sanitary District bill and my water/sewer bill?
Wheaton Sanitary District treats wastewater and maintains some of the sanitary sewer lines. Your monthly wastewater charges are based on water billings, which serve as an indication of sanitary sewer usage. Wheaton Sanitary District only bills for wastewater you discharge down the drain. Those that don’t have private wells receive water from the City of Wheaton, Village of Carol Stream, Village of Glen Ellyn, or Illinois American Water.
What is the difference between the sewer charges on my City of Wheaton bill and my Wheaton Sanitary District bill?
The City of Wheaton owns and maintains sanitary sewer lines that serve your property. These lines transport flow to Wheaton Sanitary District sewer lines further downstream, which Wheaton Sanitary District maintains. Therefore, if you live in the City of Wheaton, you will receive two bills for sewer maintenance.
Why am I having trouble signing up for Greenpay?
When signing up for Greenpay, it will help to have a copy of a current bill to obtain pertinent information exactly as it appears on your bill. Addresses should be in ALL CAPS, if that is how they appear on your bill, abbreviations should match your bill (i.e., Ave. or Av.), etc. For municipality, enter WHEATON SANITARY DISTRICT (in ALL CAPS).
What do I do if I am moving and need to stop/start service under my name?
If you own your home, you or your attorney (the attorney usually completes this step of the process) should complete and submit a Final Bill Form. The Final Bill is usually paid out at closing, with the title company cutting a check to Wheaton Sanitary District from the closing proceeds. If you rent, please complete and submit a Renter Move-Out Form. If you have any questions, please call (630)668-1515.
My bill is not showing as paid on Greenpay. Why not?
Balance information on Greenpay is updated only once per month, immediately after bills are issued. Unfortunately, Greenpay balance information is not real time and does not reflect payment(s) you make in between billing cycles.
Can I receive a bill by e-mail?
Yes, you can choose to receive bills by e-mail (or by both e-mail and regular mail) through Greenpay.
How often will I receive a bill?
Monthly, near the end of the month.