Looking For Us?
Wheaton Sanitary District is located at 1S649 Shaffner Road, Wheaton, IL 60189.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm.
Closed Holidays:
New Year’s Day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day
The Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day

To reduce the potential of oil being dumped into the sanitary sewer system, the District provides disposal for used motor oil, oil filters, and cooking oil Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 3:00pm at no charge.
Beginning 11/19, there will be no wash water available at the RV dump until Spring.
To schedule a visit or tour, please contact us at
Fax: 630.668.5536
General FAQ
Does the Wheaton Sanitary District collect garbage?
No, the Wheaton Sanitary District treats wastewater and maintains sanitary sewer lines. If you do not know who collects your garbage, we recommend contacting your city/village.
Does the Wheaton Sanitary District cover all properties in Wheaton?
No, the service area is not based on municipal boundaries. Instead, the service area is based on how water naturally flows (the Winfield Creek and Springbrook Creek Drainage Basins). Wheaton Sanitary District serves about 75% of the City of Wheaton, southern Carol Stream, a small portion of Glen Ellyn, a small portion of Winfield, and unincorporated areas. The area of Wheaton not served by Wheaton Sanitary District in the SE corner of the City (the Danada Area) which is served by the DuPage County wastewater plant near 75th Street and Route 53
Are Wheaton Sanitary District Board Meetings open to the public?
Yes, the Board meets once a month, generally on the second Wednesday of each month, in the District’s administration building located at 1 S 649 Shaffner Road.
Does Wheaton Sanitary District levy taxes?
No. Although it has the authority, the District does not levy taxes. Most of the revenue comes from sewer user charges, based on water consumption. The balance of revenue comes from sewer connection permit fees, septage disposal, leachate disposal, and chemical toilet disposal.